sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2008

Da série: post dedicado ou THAT'S JUST WHAT YOU ARE

Como o embedding tá fora de questão. Quem quiser que vá lá e veja.
Eu tô vendo no repeat...porque eu adoro, porque eu tava precisando de alguém que corroborasse*, sabe?
Porque tem uma hora que a gente cansa de dar crédito, de fazer o papel de quem seee-ee-eeempre compreende, de quem mesmo com a repetição tola do erro, vai lá, abraça e fala uma, duas, 33, 75, mil vezes, com o melhor dos sentimentos, compreende?

E a pessoa com aquela eterna cara de "eu sou uma merda tenha pena de mim", ou de "você ta louca insana e não sabe do que está falando", chega a suspender as sobrancelhas de espanto, como se fosse A Maior Surpresa aquele assunto!?

Abusei... Você abusou, pra continuar na linha de post-musical!
E eu me demito. No quiero más hablar, mano véi.

...E ela veio, sooo lightly, soooo softly, tão mais inteligente do que eu, e disse tudo. Como tantas outras vezes.

Com vocês, meus queridos, Aimee Mann!


Quem quiser acompanhar
(porque vocêzinho não precisa de legenda pra entender este post. Mas o grifo é mais para tu, tatu, do que todo o resto da música. Aliás, né não. Leia tudo, decore, cante no chuveiro por uns bons dias e depois...depois blé!), tá aqui:

In our endeavor
We are never seeing eye to eye
No guts to surface
So forever may we wave goodbye
And you're always telling me
That it's my turn to move
When I wonder what could make the needle jump the groove
I won't fall for the oldest trick in the book
So don't sit there and think
You're off of the hook
By saying there is no use changing
Cause that's just what you are
That's just what you are

Acting steady
Always ready to defend your fears
What's the matter with the truth
Did I offend your ears
By suggesting that a change might be a thing to try
It would kill you just to try and be a nicer guy
Its not like you would lose
Some critical piece
If somehow you moved point A to point B
Maintaining there is no point changing
Cause that's just what you are
That's just what you are

Now I could talk to you till I'm blue in the face

But we'd still run around the very same place
With you running around
Put me out of the race

So maybe you're right
Nobody can take
Something older then time
And hope you could make it better
That would be a mistake

So take it just so far
Cause that's just what you are
That's just what you are
That's just what you are

Acting steady
Always ready to defend your fears
(That's just what you are)

What's the matter with the truth
Did I offend your ears
(That's just what you are)

When you're sleepwalking it is a danger to wake you
(That's just what you are)

Even when it is apparent where your actions will take you
(That's just what you are)

And that's just what you are
And that's just what you are
That's just what you are

*Inaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, cadê vc?

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